
Last update: Jan 7, 2024

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Past performance is not indicative of future results. As such, the value of financial instruments, and the income derived therefrom may change frequently, may fall as well as rise, and there is no guarantee that your initial investment in a financial instrument will be returned. We recommend consulting with a professional financial advisor prior to taking any investment or divestment decisions and duly consider the risks associated with a financial instrument. Obelisk-Wealth does not provide any legal or tax advice and we recommend consulting with your professional advisors on related considerations.

This Website may contain information or statements that are forward-looking based upon current expectations and projections about future events. Such forward-looking information or statements are based solely on Obelisk-Wealth's current understanding, expectations, estimates, financial models and projections. Such information or statements are uncertain and involve the risks that assumptions, unpredicted or unconsidered events or other factors may lead to developments that may substantially deviate from Obelisk-Wealth's expectations. These factors may include but are not limited to economic and business conditions and developments or the introduction or removal of relevant laws and regulations. You understand that Obelisk-Wealth has no obligation and will not amend or update any forward-looking information or statements contained on this Website upon the occurrence of developments that may impact such information or statements.